This will hide itself!
Don’t leave those customer reviews on your website, leverage them with Bizamply to increase your revenue by more than 2.2x
Super Personalised Upsell/Cross-sell products to your existing customers thus increase your Life Time Value
Improve conversions and Life Time Value Ratio through personalised coupons/loyalty manager
Leverage your online presence across all channels ( Facebook, Instagram, TikTok etc ) to boost your revenue
Target your existing customers for super personalised cross sell/ up sell opportunities in comments/DMs etc
Use your online presence to acquire new customers
Amplify your Brand presence across all your channels
Leverage customers’ reviews to boost your engagement 10x.
Manage reviews from all your connected websites ( Shopify etc.)
Sort/Focus Reviews by Relevance, Source etc.
Super Personalized Contextual replies to reviews trained with our state of the art AI Model
Voice that adapts to your brand’s tone
AI Configurations ( To put it on Auto Mode, while you relax )
We’re ready to meet your evolving needs.
Amplify your Brand 10x with unified social media engagement to engage your customers and bring new customers.
Manage comments/DMs actively!! of your connected Social Brand Presence ( Instagram/ Facebook etc . )
Sort/Focus comments/DM's by post, source, etc.
Super Personalized Engagement replies that adapts to your brand voice
AI configurations to incorporate your adapting social strategy
AI Personalized Recurring reach-outs for subscription-based products